Is Now A Good Time To Reevaluate Keeping Cryptocurrencies?
At the time of writing, Bitcoin was approaching a new high of $20,000 USD per bitcoin. What has changed since the last time this high was reached?
At the time of writing, Bitcoin was approaching a new high of $20,000 USD per bitcoin. What has changed since the last time this high was reached?
In Bitcoin-like monetary systems, what block chaining essentially collects is not money, but rather transactions: it is transaction rights that essentially depend on chaining blocks, not money creation. So the block-chaining reward is always…
Bitcoin is descriptive of the actual technology in play. These coins represent the currency itself and are the ones transacted. They are sent or received through wallet software running on a PC, a web app or a smartphone. They can be obtained through…
This article redefines money as any form of social multiequivalence. It shows why money alone can preserve the whole ownership of commodities during their exchange, by representing its decentralization. Then, it shows how either money becomes further…
Money represents a future commodity ownership. However, the only way of keeping this ownership rightful, hence decentralized, is to price commodities in metarepresented money. Any otherwise priced future ownership will not remain rightfully…
Bitcoin is a comparatively new type of currency that has just started to strike the mainstream markets. Critics state that using Bitcoins is unsafe because – They have no authentic value – They are not regulated – They can be used to make illegal…
Many accuse our Federal Reserve of issuing money that isn’t worth the paper it is written on, that it has no value, that it isn’t backed by gold anymore – that in essence it is fake, and a the entire system is a giant scam. However, I say that money…
Looking for a Bitcoin Buying Guide? Here’s a simple, easy way to buy Bitcoins in 3 easy steps – with safety tips along the way!
In the first edition of CRYPTO TREND we introduced Crypto Currency (CC) and answered several questions about this new market space. There is a lot of NEWS in this market every day.
Incoming ten years, Bitcoin is more likely to be $100 than $100,000, Harvard economist says Harvard University professor and economist, Kenneth Rogoff said on Tuesday that, the possibility of the prices of bitcoin prices falling to $100 is higher than…